In an effort to rebuild areas of the Bahamas devastated by Hurricanes, since 2017, we are setting up and transporting volunteer groups to Ragged Island, Long Island and Freeport, Bahamas, during the Month of March, 2020. Teams are in need of Gospel Sharing enthusiasts, buliders, roofers, dry wall and general cleaning. The trips are averaging 3-4 days, and we will be departing from Sebring, FL International Airport. Commercial airports nearby, Punta Gorda, FL, Orlando, FL, Tampa, FL, Sarasota, FL. Transporation to and from Ragged Island, Long Island, Freeport, Bahamas is free and we will work to find each group suitable accommodations during their stay. Please donate, volunteer to help and especially pray for God to move individuals to help in this very worthy cause. God's Blessing on you all. Tim Layne, President of Pilots for Christ Michigan.